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Our Mission

To help people simplify and improve their quality of life by providing the most reliable life management services.

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Who We Are  

How GoodDeeds was Born

Beth Miller and Sarah Troiano met while working for an HR consulting firm in Boston back in early 1993. Little did they know what was in store. They would become great friends and remain close as the years went on and their flourishing careers took them to different companies. In a twist of fate, in late 2002, both senior executives lost their jobs to re-orgs. Interestingly, each had been pondering a career transition from the corporate world for some time, and then this. It was a sign.

In the living room of Beth’s home, together they inventoried and reviewed their interests, life experiences, expertise and management skills, and conceptualized their “dream jobs” to determine whether or not there was a foundation for a business. They wanted a company focus that would not only encompass their expertise, but one that would incorporate their shared, lifelong commitment to social responsibility. Equally as important, they wanted their expertise to be offered and applied in a fresh, new approach. And so, GoodDeeds came to be…

GoodDeeds LLC : 502 Crafts Street : Newton, MA 02465
1-617-965-0900 (t) : 1-617-965-0904 (fax) :